My pragmatic approach to Personal Growth in Business

My pragmatic approach to Personal Growth in Business

I am convinced that in order to be successful in business, you have to be able to really go all out and be decisive. A crucial aspect in this, is that by making those decisions you will definitely encounter several mistakes that you will make along the way.

Making mistakes is crucial in achieving personal growth and will thrive your future success!

Below, I have listed key mistakes I made during my career which all helped me to be successful, but most importantly made me grow and be happier on a personal level.

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Six hands-on aspects to select the right CRO for your upcoming clinical trial

Six hands-on aspects to select the right CRO for your upcoming clinical trial

After being responsible for making hundreds of proposals and being involved in running a huge number of clinical trials, it always struck me how diverse different biotech companies are performing their selection process to find the right CRO for their project.

Below, I have listed six hands-on points which are in my view important to consider and these can contribute to selecting the right CRO for your project.

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An innovation paradox in Life Sciences… what do we need to change the Life Sciences business eco-system.

An innovation paradox in Life Sciences… what do we need to change the Life Sciences business eco-system.

After working for over 20 years in the Life Sciences industry, I can only conclude that I have been working in one of the most innovate industries in the world. Enormous progress has been made with a wide variety of innovations in science which are changing the future perspective for patients suffering from many diseases (both common and rare diseases).

What is stunning however that at the same time we are apparently not able to make much progress in truly innovating the business eco-system in which we operate in the Life Sciences.

This paradox in innovation is something that becomes increasingly a sustainability problem, both from societal and financial perspectives.

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